Download Sealevel Driver

Bay Area Inundation

Sealevel’s SeaMAX software drivers and utilities make installation and operation easy using Windows operating systems. SeaMAX is supported on 32-bit and 64-bit versions of: Microsoft Windows 10 Read More. Sample WDF Driver for Sealevel Digital I/O Kit Number of Downloads: 14782 Here's the latest update to the sample?KMDF driver for?the Sealevel Digital I/O Kit. It supports the most recent release of the SeaLevel DIO-24 board (the 8018).?Have fun!

These layers represent areas around San Francisco Bay at risk of inundation, and correspond to varying amounts of long-term sea level rise (varying over decades) in conjunction with various return levels corresponding to shorter-term variability (hours to years). Most of these areas are currently behind levees or other protective structures, and would only be inundated if those structures were to fail. These data are described in detail in the reference: Knowles, Noah. 2010. Potential Inundation Due to Rising Sea Levels in the San Francisco Bay Region. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, 8:1. Available at;volume=8;issue=1.

Sealevel Driver Download

Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS)

These layers represent CoSMoS coastal flooding projections for the San Francisco Bay area due to the combination of sea level rise and storms, including waves, tides, surge, steric effects, and fluvial discharge. These data are available for comprehensive visualization and download from Our Coast, Our Future (OCOF). OCOF is a collaborative effort between Point Blue Conservation Science, USGS, the Gulf of Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, and Coravai LCC.


Barnard, P.L., van Ormondt, M., Erikson, L.H., Eshleman, J., Hapke, C., Ruggiero, P., Adams, P.N. and Foxgrover, A.C., 2014. Development of the Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) for predicting the impact of storms on high-energy, active-margin coasts. Natural Hazards, Volume 74 (2), p. 1095-1125, DOI:10.1007/s11069-014-1236-y

Pacific Institute Coastal Data

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These data include areas inundated by 100-year unimpeded Pacific coastal flooding under baseline (year 2000) conditions for the California Coastline, as well as areas inundated by 100-year unimpeded Pacific coastal flooding under a scenario of 1.4-meter (55-inch) sea-level rise. These data are available for download via the Pacific Institute.